2020/21 Student Placements 

Below, you can listen to placement students from the 2020/21 intake talk about their experience in two episodes of the Effective Statistician podcast. Topics included their motivation for doing a placement year, skills and knowledge gained, and the impact of the ongoing COVID pandemic. The students also share their recommendations and tips for anyone thinking of doing a placement year.

The first episode concentrates on the statistician role with the following students taking part:

Malika Sachdeva GSK BSc in Financial Mathematics at Brunel University
Rajeev Sood GSK MMath in Mathematics at University of Bath
Miles Almond Roche BSc in Mathematics at University of Bath
Nick Thorne Roche BSc in Mathematics at University of Cardiff
Alex Zimmermann Amgen BSc in Mathematics and Statistics Sciences at University of Bath


For the second episode, focus switched to the programmer role with three more students participating:

Tohfah Gaibie Roche Integrated Masters in Computer Science at University of Leeds
Cameron Boddy Roche Integrated Masters in Bioengineering at University of Sheffield
Keoni Southwick IQVIA BSc in Mathematics at University of Bath


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