Chair: Jennifer Visser-Rogers
The Communication Committee is responsible for coordinating all areas of communication and publishing within PSI. The Communication Committee meets approximately four times a year, including once face-to-face. We work closely with and, for the Journal, with Wiley. Each member of the committee has responsibility for an activity, and these activities are:
Pharmaceutical Statistics
Pharmaceutical Statistics, the official journal of PSI, tackles real problems in statistical applications. The Journal publishes papers that share experiences in the practical application of statistics within the pharmaceutical industry. It covers all aspects of pharmaceutical statistical applications from discovery, through pre-clinical development, clinical development, post-marketing surveillance, consumer health, production, epidemiology, and health economics.

Please consider submitting a paper to the Journal. Many of the most read and cited papers have been written by industry statisticians so please take a little of your busy time and prepare and submit a paper. More details can be found here.
Every fortnight eNews is sent to the membership. This includes PSI news, PSI events, and advertisements. It is an opportunity to remind the membership of what is going on in PSI and the wider community and to highlight such things as when early bird discounts are about to end.
Pharmaceutical Statistics Journal Club
The Journal Club hosts quarterly 90 min teleconferences, open to PSI members and non-PSI members. Two papers are selected from Pharmaceutical Statistics and authors are invited to present their papers followed by discussion for each paper. Papers (for a limited time) and slides are available to download beforehand from a public area of the PSI website. Audio and video recordings of the meetings are available to download from the website after the meeting. For details of future journal club TCs, please visit the journal club page or contact
Membership to the LinkedIn PSI group is open to all, not just members, and therefore has substantially more members than PSI itself. It is used to communicate about PSI matters, including, for instance, coming meetings, jobs advertised with PSI, when the Journal is published, etc. It also offers a very convenient way to discuss statistical topics.
PSI has a Twitter account, and, as with LinkedIn, is used it to publicise PSI matters.
Who we are