Do you want a career that is exciting and varied? Do you want to make a real difference to the lives of people all over the world? How about using your mathematics or statistical knowledge to help develop and trial lifesaving medicines?
Then working as a statistician or programmer in medical research could be for you! Click on the links below to find out more…
About Medical Statistics
Looking for something in particular?
Empowering Tomorrow's Statisticians: Key Takeaways from the 2024 PSI Careers Event
This year the PSI Medical Statistics Careers Event was held at Yeomanry House in Bloomsbury, London. This annual event is designed to give attendees an inside look at the variety of careers available in the field, along with practical advice for getting started.
A mixture of 88 BSc, MSc and PhD students registered for the Careers Event from 22 universities. Read the full article here.
Have any questions? Contact us at Careers@psiweb.org
Upcoming Events
PSI Mentoring 2025
Date: Ongoing 6 month cycle beginning late April/early May 2024 Are you a member of PSI looking to further your career or help develop others - why not sign up to the PSI Mentoring scheme? You can expand your network, improve your leadership skills and learn from more senior colleagues in the industry.
PSI Introduction to Industry Training (ITIT) Course - 2025/2026
An introductory course giving an overview of the pharmaceutical industry and the drug development process as a whole, aimed at those with 1-3 years' experience. It comprises of six 2-day sessions covering a range of topics including Research and Development, Toxicology, Data Management and the Role of a CRO, Clinical Trials, Reimbursement, and Marketing.
Joint PSI/EFSPI Visualisation SIG 'Wonderful Wednesday' Webinars
Our monthly webinar explores examples of innovative data visualisations relevant to our day to day work. Each month a new dataset is provided from a clinical trial or other relevant example, and participants are invited to submit a graphic that communicates interesting and relevant characteristics of the data.
PSI MedStat Apprentice Virtual Conference
Overview of the day: 09:00 - Welcome, introduction, and networking 09:25 - Presentation from UCL and Strathclyde on programme delivery 09:45 - Presentation on evidence portfolios from Rachael 10:30 - Q&A Panel of current apprentices 11:10 - Presentation from Liam - A Balancing Act: My Journey from Programmer to Statistician 11:40 - Apprenticeship feedback and networking 12:10 - Close Presentations and timings are subject to change.
PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q1 2025)
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
PSI Estimand Online Training (4 Day Workshop)
This is an interactive online training workshop providing an in-depth review of the estimand framework as laid out by ICH E9(R1) addendum with inputs from estimand experts, case studies, quizzes and opportunity for discussions. You will develop an estimand in a therapeutic area of interest to your company. In an online break-out room, you will join a series of team discussions to implement the estimand framework in a case study, aligning estimands, design, conduct, analysis, (assumptions + sensitivity analyses) to the clinical objective and therapeutic setting.
Maths Meets Medicine: Exploring Careers in the Pharmaceutical Industry
This session will showcase how careers in pharmaceutical statistics can be both rewarding and impactful, with a focus on how mathematics is integral to the development of medicines. Students will hear from industry experts, explore diverse career paths, and learn why continuing to study math is key to unlocking exciting opportunities in the healthcare sector.
Dissolution Testing: Time for Statistical (r)Evolution
Webinar dedicated to the topic of dissolution of oral solid dosage forms; opportunity to hear from statisticians working in the CMC field, with open question and answers. In addition, the CMC Statistical Network Europe special interest group will discuss advocacy opportunities, have your say to contribute to the future direction.
PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q2 2025)
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q3 2025)
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q4 2025)
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
Latest Jobs
Medical Statistician Post Graduate Apprenticeship – UCB
UCB invites one candidate to undertake a medical statistician apprenticeship.
Statistical Science Intern - Biomarin
The BioMarin internship programme will enable students to gain valuable experience and knowledge of the processes and systems within BioMarin, whilst gaining an insight into the pharmaceutical/biotech industry.
St James House | Vicar Lane | Sheffield | S1 2EX | UK