Other Careers Events

  • 10 Dec 2024

    PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q4 2024)

    This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
  • 06 Nov 2024

    PSI Careers - MEDMathS: Medicine Empowered by Data, Maths and Statistics

    A careers talk about medical statistics and how it plays a crucial role in developing new medicines
  • 17 Sep 2024

    PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q3 2024)

    This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
  • 25 Jun 2024

    PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q2 2024)

    This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
  • 19 Mar 2024

    PSI Career Young Virtual Event (Q1 2024)

    This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
  • 20 Feb 2024

    PSI Mentoring 2024

    Are you a member of PSI looking to further your career or help develop others - why not sign up to the PSI Mentoring scheme? You can expand your network, improve your leadership skills and learn from more senior colleagues in the industry.
  • 12 Dec 2023

    PSI Careers Lunch & Learn: Is it AI? Can you spot the fake?

    In a world buzzing with artificial intelligence, can you distinguish between what's AI-generated and what's not? The session promises to showcase machine-generated content, challenging your perceptions, and luring you into the fascinating world of AI technology.
  • 05 Dec 2023

    PSI Career Young Virtual Meet (Q4 2023)

    This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
  • 29 Nov 2023

    PSI Medical Statistics Careers Event

    This event is aimed at students with an interest in the field of Medical Statistics, for example within pharmaceuticals, healthcare and/or medical research.
  • 01 Nov 2023

    PSI Careers - MEDMathS: Medicine Empowered by Data, Maths and Statistics

    A careers talk about medical statistics and how it plays a crucial role in developing new medicines
  • 23 Oct 2023

    PSI Book Club

    The next book we are reading is "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey. This is a classic in the personal development genre.
  • 20 Sep 2023

    PSI Career Young Virtual Meet (Q3 2023)

    This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
  • 12 Sep 2023

    PSI Careers Lunch & Learn: ChatGPT & Beyond

    A panel discussion on AI advances and uses in medical statistics and programming within the pharmaceutical industry with its opportunities and challenges.
  • 11 Sep 2023

    PSI Webinar: NextGen is now! How to inspire the future workforce of pharmaceutical statistics

    In this webinar we will be showing you how you can inspire NextGen and help shape the future workforce of pharmaceutical statistics.
  • 06 Jun 2023

    PSI Career Young Virtual Meet (Q2 2023)

    An informal event starting with a short talk and then going into breakout rooms to connect with others from the industry. Aimed at those who have recently joined the industry looking to expand their network.
  • 20 Mar 2023

    PSI Book Club

    Welcome to PSI's book club! We will be reading/discussing non-technical books relevant to our roles. Participants will be split into smaller groups to network with each other and practice exercises.
  • 17 Mar 2023

    PSI Careers Lunch & Learn: Modern Leaders: Remote not Distant

    In the upcoming event - "Modern Leaders: Remote not Distant" - we will be discussing the need for a conscious evolution of leadership styles as remote working becomes commonplace.
  • 16 Mar 2023

    PSI Careers Medical Statistician Apprenticeship - Overview and Q&A with University Providers

    This webinar is an opportunity for potential employers to learn more about the new Medical Statistics Apprenticeship.
  • 07 Mar 2023

    PSI Career Young Virtual Meet (Q1 2023)

    This session will be the chance to hear about the experiences of those across the industry, who are also young in their career, discuss your own experiences and to develop connections. Aimed at those who have recently joined the industry looking to expand their network.
  • 02 Jan 2023

    PSI Mentoring

    Are you a member of PSI looking to further your career or help develop others - why not sign up to the PSI Mentoring scheme? You can expand your network, improve your leadership skills and learn from more senior colleagues in the industry. Mentors and mentees will be matched based on experience, personal goals and the sector they work in (unless otherwise requested) so you can be assured that we will aim to tailor the experience to your needs.


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