
  • Aligning Machine Learning groups across all SIGs.
  • For clinical research statisticians, where specifically are AI & ML useful – considering regulatory requirements
  • Webinars to deliver this knowledge back to industry colleagues.


Upcoming Events

No events planned currently, we are looking into webinars for the future.


Latest achievements!

Here are our latest achievements:


Topics of interest 2024

We are currently updating them.


How to get in touch

Interested in joining the AI & ML SIG?
Please send an email to Sam ( ; LinkedIn).


Who we are (as of Nov. 15th, 2024)

The artificial intelligence and machine learning SIG is led by Sam Hadlington.
The full list of members of the AI & ML SIG can be found below:

    Chris HarbronRoche
    Danila AzzolinaUniversity of Ferrara
    Emmanuel PhamNova In Silico
    Karl KoechertBayer
    Nils TernesSanofi
    Paola BerchiallaUniversity of Turin
    Sam HadlingtonPlus-Project Partnership
    Wei QuanAstraZeneca


    Meeting Minutes

    Here are the round-ups of our activities since the launch of the AI and ML SIG:

    Upcoming Events