Hi All
I am delighted with the progress that PSI made in 2018. We delivered on many of our objectives and the society is in excellent health. I would encourage you all to PSI Annual Report. I have provided a link and highlights below:
- Our membership strategy is working and our membership has increased from 883 to 1074 in 2018, covering 29 countries worldwide.
- Video-on-demand was launched as promised at the PSI Conference. A total of 150 videos have been loaded so far and are free to watch for members.
- A total of 391 delegates registered for the 2018 PSI Annual Conference in Amsterdam. This is a record for PSI.
- Exhibition and sponsorship raised €113,386, the second highest amount ever raised at a conference.
- Our reserves are at the highest ever levels (£341k) since the formation of PSI, and we made a profit of £59k in 2018.
- Despite the snow, 80 students and 25 pharma companies, CROs and CTUs attended the PSI Careers event in Leicester, UK in February 2018.
- As part of our re-investment PSI signed a contract to refresh the PSI Website. The new website will be rolled out in 2019.
- The Effective Statistician (podcast) was launched to make our communications more personal and show people behind the news.
- The Regulatory Expert Working Group published a paper on ‘Best Practice for Subgroup Analyses’ in Pharmaceutical Statistics.
- PSI reduced the Scientific Meeting registration fee from £160 to £40 to make meetings more accessible. A total of two meetings and six webinars were organised in 2018.
- The AIMS SIG launched a R Validation Hub Website in January (https://www.pharmar.org/)
- The New Starters SIG was reformed in the second half of 2018.
- Meetings were held with the RSS to discuss a range of topics of mutual interest. These meetings will continue to occur in the coming years.
- Regulatory Committee Members helped to organize the 3rd EFSPI Workshop on Regulatory Statistics.
Link to full report:
Kind regards
Nigel Howitt (PSI Chair)