
Navigating Project Optimus: Implications for Oncology Drug Development

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Date: Thursday 11th July 2024
Time: 15:00 BST | 10:00 EDT | 07:00 PDT
Location: Online webinar


With the launch of Project Optimus, the FDA is reforming the dose optimization and dose selection paradigm in oncology drug development. The initiative addresses the issue of poorly characterized doses and schedules, which can lead to increased toxicity without additional efficacy. This transformation necessitates significant changes in how early phase trials are designed and conducted.

Under the framework of Project Optimus there are many considerations drug developers will need to consider within their early clinical trial development, including how they justify their dose range through into Phase II. This will naturally impact on time and cost requiring more strategic and robust methodologies. Ensuring regulatory compliance involves aligning trial designs with new FDA guidelines, utilizing novel methodologies to reduce trial duration and resource use, incorporating new technologies, and engaging with regulatory experts for proactive planning. Flexibility and adaptation are crucial, as traditional methodologies may need modification to comply with new standards.

Key Learnings

  • Gain an introductory understanding of Project Optimus.

  • Learn about the impact on oncology trials and drug development.

  • Discover strategies to navigate the new regulatory landscape.


For more information and to register, please visit: https://info.phastar.com/webinar-navigating-project-optimus-fda 

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