
PSI Journal Club: Progressing Phase II Data into Phase III

Our next journal club features two papers on the topic of Progressing Phase II Data into Phase III, held on the 23rd April 2020 from 4-5pm BST. 

Please click here to view the flyer.

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Please join us to hear Haolun Shi (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby) and Daniele De Martini (Università degli Studi di Milano‐Bicocca, Milan) present their recent work. The webinar will be chaired by Andy Grieve (UCB).

Haolun Shi; START: single‐to‐double arm transition design for phase II clinical trials
Authors: Haolun Shi, Teng Zhang and Guosheng Yin 
Pharmaceutical Statistics, 2020;1–14.
Access the slides here.

Daniele De Martini; Empowering phase II clinical trials to reduce phase III failures
Authors: Daniele De Martini
Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2019;1–9.
Access the slides here.
For each of these published papers there will be a 20 minute presentation by author followed by a 10 minute discussion.
Papers will be made available to view prior to the meeting and presentation slides will be available a week before the JC. Journal subscribers can access papers at any time.  Audio recordings will be available shortly after the JC to download from the PSI website. 
The meetings are open to both PSI and non-PSI members.

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