Journal Club - Adaptive Signature Design
At this joint PSI/RSS journal club webinar, held on 12th July 2017, we heard two excellent presentations on the topic of Adaptive Signature Designs, followed by a fascinating discussion led by Dr Richard Simon, who founded the original methodology. Dr Richard Simon recently retired as associate director of the Division of Cancer Treatment & Diagnosis and Chief of the Computational and Systems Biology Branch at the National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA. The meeting was chaired by Steve Gilmour, Professor of Statistics at King’s College London. Our speakers were:
Dr Zhiwei Zhang, Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the University of California, Riverside, who authored 'Subgroup Selection in Adaptive Signature Designs of Confirmatory Clinical Trials', published February 2017 in JRSS Series C, Volume 2. Co-authored by Meijuan Li, Min Lin, Guoxing Soon, Tom Greene and Changyu Shen. Please click here to view the slides.
Dr Gu Mi, Research Scientist at Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana, who authored 'Enhancement of the adaptive signature design for learning and confirming in a single pivotal trial' published May 2017 in Pharmaceutical Statistics. Please click here to view the slides.
To access the recording, please visit the Video-on-Demand Library.