Trials and Errors in Clinical Trials

PSI Scientific Committee Webinar:
Trials and Errors in Clinical Trials

Tuesday 11th March ~ 13:00 – 15:00 UK time

This webinar aims to take a practical approach to some of the trials and errors seen in Clinical Trials. The webinar will go through some real life examples of where trials and statistical analyses may not have gone as expected! As well as covering some of the errors often seen by the MHRA whilst reviewing submissions. 

Trials and Errors in Submissions: A Regulatory Perspective
Yolanda Barbachano (MHRA)

Working in a regulatory agency means seeing dossiers from a variety of companies and disease areas. There are some statistical issues that keep appearing again and again, such as the choice of analysis population, whilst other problems are more unusual but often more important.  This talk will describe some of the statistical issues regulators come across when assessing dossiers for marketing authorisation applications and how some of these problems could be avoided. Topics covered will include the choice of analysis populations, missing data, sensitivity analyses and the use of long term extension studies to establish efficacy.

An example of Issues with Multiplicity Adjustments
Sophie Dimonaco (Roche)

There are many well-documented methods to control for multiplicity in clinical trials, all with their own set of pros and cons. This presentation will go through a real life example of a Phase III trial investigating three active treatment arms versus a control, where the chosen multiplicity method was Hierarchical Testing, with a chain of >40 endpoints. The aim of the presentation is to explain the rationale of why this multiplicity methodology was chosen, what happened when the chain broke early and the many discussions within the team post database lock about whether we had used the right adjustment method and what that meant for data with very important clinical significance that was statistically significant after the chain break.

Submission Challenges: A real life example (Working Title)
David Lawrence (Novarits)

David will be speaking regarding his experience of a recent phase 2/3 adaptive design trial which received a licence in the EU but not from the FDA. (Further details TBC)

Registration fee: None

This webinar is free of charge. However, attendees must register on the PSI website in order to obtain the dial-in details and the webinar link.

We do encourage your participation. If you have questions relating to the Trials & Errors in Clinical Trials webinar, or any of the listed talks, ahead of the webinar, please email them to and

We will do our best to discuss them at the webinar.

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