We are looking to recruit enthusiastic volunteers to join PSI Careers, as we expand our activities for both Professional Development and CALC.
PSI Professional Development Committee
For the PSI Professional Development Committee, we are looking for a volunteer to lead the book club and support the mentoring scheme. A list of roles and responsibilities are below:
- Mentoring – answering mentor and mentees questions, running regular Q&A drop in sessions for participants and helping with mentor and mentee matching (for later cohorts)
- PSI website – update careers resources and general review of career relevant pages
- Advertising – raising awareness of events through social media such as LinkedIn and regular SPIN articles
- Regular committee meetings
- Time commitment: approx. 1-2 hours a week on average.
PSI Careers and Academic Liaison Committee (CALC)
For the PSI Careers and Academic Liaison Committee (CALC), we’d welcome anyone who is able to provide any support (and for however much time),
but we are currently in need of more people to help with the Schools activities and content, and you’d be involved in the following:
- Helping maintain and organise PSI Careers website content – in particular, material for schools
- Developing ideas for interacting and engaging with schools students and teachers
- Helping with other careers activities, creating social media content, student newsletters
- Committee meetings once every quarter
- Time commitment: approx 1-2 hours a week on average.
Do get in touch by sending an email to
careers@psiweb.org if you are interested!