
2023 PSI Annual Conference

The PSI 2023 Conference took place at Novotel Hammersmith, London between the 11th and 14th of June 2023.

The conference consisted of a variety of plenary and parallel sessions, as well as breakout discussion sessions, workshops, a poster session and the Annual General Meeting. The conference ran over three full days from Monday to Wednesday, with a choice from two optional half day training course on the Sunday afternoon.

The 2023 PSI conference was record-breaking all round, with 618 delegates listening to more than 120 speakers across 40 sessions! Thank you to everyone involved in the conference: speakers, poster presenters, delegates, exhibitors, sponsors and the PSI scientific committee, for contributing to another fantastic event.

David Lawrence, 2023 PSI Conference Chair
Sarah Williams, 2023 PSI Conference Vice-Chair
Kate Taylor, 2023 PSI Conference Vice-Chair



To access the recorded sessions from the PSI 2023 Conference, please visit our Video on Demand homepage.

To source the Conference content, simply select 'PSI 2023 Conference' from the 'Collection' dropdown menu. This will filter all available content to only show on-demand sessions from the 2023 Conference.

Please note: these are only available to view for Members of PSI, and will need to be signed in to watch them.

Slide Decks

A select few of this year's sessions only have the slide decks available. Please see Session Titles listed below, with slide decks available to download beneath.

Please note: these are only accessible for Members of PSI, and you will need to be signed in to access them.

Monday 12th June

Interactive workshop on communicating data to Data Monitoring Committees
In this interactive workshop, we focused on communicating data to a DMC. The goal of the session was to illustrate difficulties a DMC may have with a report that is not fit for purpose and discuss suggestions for improvements to DMC reports including newer technologies such as apps facilitating an in-depth interrogation of the data. Due to the interactive nature of this session, we wanted to share the slides with members for recapping the session. 

Tuesday 13th June

HTA & Launch & Life Cycle SIG: Connecting the dots: how can statisticians drive end-to-end thinking in the development of new medicines?
The session began with a lightning round of 5-minute talks from statisticians with different specializations across the lifecycle. These short presentations, where presenters clarify their roles, set the scene. Participants who joined the session then broke out and discussed case studies of “typical new products” intended to help identify and understand the challenges for statisticians from the different perspectives of regulatory, HTA, and medical affairs. 

Wednesday 14th June

Learning from Mistakes
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes” (Oscar Wilde). Every child falls over before they learn to walk and yet in the workplace there remains fear of making an error. As statisticians, we all understand that even the most stringent processes have a failure rate, but despite this, we often demand perfection from ourselves. Mistakes can range from the trivial through to ones that cost a great deal in time and money. Experienced pharmaceutical statisticians will share some mistakes made and more importantly how to find solutions and share the lessons learnt. Our careers grow from how we respond to problems and challenges. This growth is only possible if organisations create a culture where employees can openly share mistakes and raise concerns; good managers create a healthy environment for staff to thrive and develop, and understand that fear of failure and stress are barriers to progress.

Adaptive Designs - What, why, when and how should I use them
Adaptive designs offer many potential benefits throughout the clinical development process. However, not all of these benefits are accessible all of the time. One must use the right trial design in the right context, which requires careful reflection on the trial’s aim. The intuition about when to use which method presents a barrier to implementation in practice with much of the knowledge locked within the community already practising adaptive designs. In this session, we presented a series of examples and quizzes to help the audience develop their own intuition for adaptive designs. We focussed in particular on group sequential designs that offer the opportunity for early stopping, adaptive designs involving multiple hypothesis tests such as enrichment designs and seamless phase 2-3 designs, and designs that incorporate response adaptive randomisation.


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